Thursday, December 27, 2018

"An Architectural Visualist: Alejandro Soriano"

SketchUp user and Architectural Visualist, Alejandro Soriano has been working with SketchUp from a long time and has discussed about his works and interest in a current interview.

This article is dedicated on Alejandro Soriano and his awesome creations, here are some details about the creator and his creations. It is a description of the interview between Alejandro Soriano and Charlotte Shepard.

Alejandro Soriano: He is a one-of-kind Architectural Visualist who has a specialist in SketchUp and learned SketchUp skills from a friend in Valencia, Spain over ten years ago. After learning he became a SketchUp professional and becomes a complete 3D modeling expert with a traditional yet modern style. He studied Architecture in the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain and in the first year he has learned SketchUp form a classmate and after realizing the speed of modeling and the simplicity of learning he started to love it.

According to him, an architectural visualizer has to explain how a building will be going to be through detailed pictures and/or videos. There are various other ways also to connect and communicate with clients about the way of doing a project like through illustrations, drawings, cardboard models etc. but the main purpose is for any viewer to get a particular idea about the progress of a project. As an architectural visualizer, Alejandro tries best to convey to the viewer any unbuilt project creating 3D models with SketchUp and sometimes he translates these models with a rendering software or use Photoshop to create matte paintings.

The style of work: Alejandro has his own style of work; before starting any modeling first of all he treats the model as a piece with intrinsic value where the model may be anything like everyday objects, traditional furniture or modern design etc. He mainly looks for the internal beauty of the object through a meticulous modeling and minimalistic renders. He generally works on testing extensions, plugins or new techniques with topics which he is not used to work as he loves to push himself to think about modeling an object in different ways that provides him a new angle to facing the modeling process.

Reasons to rely in SketchUp: Anyone experienced with SketchUp will agree that it the easy one to learn but yet tough to master so it is really important to know the way of dealing with components and layers, way to organize the models etc. according to him, SketchUp is really a great tool for modeling from CAD and BIM files where it is easier to learn the way of dealing with solids properly and it also has a toolset to work with solids. That toolset helps users to work with Boolean operations like union, subtraction, trim, intersection and split etc. and this solid tool also works great with the Scale tool. If anyone can get appropriate CAD/BIM files then it will be easier to import them and modeling the project in SketchUp. While creating a project from scratch, there are some awesome extensions for speeding up the modeling process; also DIABC for SketchUp, made by the good people from Íscar Software is a wonderful tool for architectural design.

His works: Alejandro loves modeling existing buildings and objects; here it is important to represent its surroundings to contextualize a project and he uses Match Photo that helps to model any environment quickly. He also likes to play with the edges and profiles, uses hidden geometry as an aid to his illustrated models; everything just super fabulous in his models.

He also told something on modeling with Quads; in his words, there are many ways to model an object and among them one is a polygonal mesh that could be created from polygons with three sides or tris, four sides or quads and five or more sides called n-gons. In case of working with quads, the model behaves differently while subdividing or editing turns out predictable and it is so reliable in working.

More: He has currently focused on learning two new SketchUp extensions; one is WrapR, it is an extension that helps to create a UV mapping on any SketchUp quad-faced model and another is VR.


An Architectural Visualist: Alejandro Soriano

Published By
Rajib Dey

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