Friday, September 8, 2017

Point Cloud Importers – The newest sketchup extension

D Charlton has developed point cloud importer. It is an exclusive sketchup extension that is compatible with Sketchup 2014, Sketchup 2015, Sketchup 2016 and Sketchup 2017.

In this extension, there are wide array of sketchup importers and these are used to import small point cloud files which are available in .pts, .xyz, .svy, .txt format.
With this plugin, it is possible to import point coordinates as a group of SketchUp construction points and utilize them to make the modeling process easier.
This sketchup extension can include the various functionalities like Text - PTS Format (.pts), Text - SURVEY Format (.svy), Text - TXT Format (.txt), Text - XYZ Format (.xyz) to the import menu.
Import Options comprise of Import Units, Decimation, Set Point Color, PTS File Structure (xyziRGB | xyzi | xyzRGB), Layer Assignment.
The extension allows importing of up to 1,000,000 points per import, and file sizes should be under 1GB. Import times fluctuate according to the point count.
It is suggested that imported point clouds include < 100,000 points so that import times become perfect and model performance is not hampered. By default, point clouds will be decimated to 25,000 points. Though, it can be modified under import options.

To raise productivity, the Importers are utilized together with other point cloud software so that the users will be able to split up bigger, more complicated datasets into smaller and more manageable pieces.
Working with smaller, decimated point cloud fragments in SketchUp helps to maintain good overall model performance is sustained as smaller, decimated point cloud fragments can be managed in sketchup. The modelers get the ability to focus on the development of one specific component or element at a time.

Click on the following link to download the extension from extension warehouse

Read more

Published By
Rajib Dey


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